Ibero American Radio Chile - "Savings"
Amauta Awards Winner

"This is how your budget works when you put your money in one of our radios." 

Chevrolet Zafira - "Sardine Can"
Finalist - London International Awards

Remember the last time you felt like this in your car?"

Chevrolet Zafira has all the space your family needs.

MRM//McCann - "Free Trip"

Would you like to travel to meet Stan Rapp in person? The ticket's on us.

[Subway ticket] MRM brings Stan Rapp to Argentina.

Nextel - "Super Glue"
Finalist - John Caples Awards

After putting together Phone, 2-Way Radio, and Pager, we are proud to present our only competition. [Super glue tube]

MRM//McCann - "Breakfast To Your Door"

Once you hear about the success of our XYZ campaign, it will open your appetite. Fortunately, it's a breakfast meeting.

3M - "Secretaries' Day"

Just for today we'll let you use a tape that's not 3M original.

Subaru Outback - "Fragile"
DMA Echo Awards Winner

FRAGILE: The only word you won't find inside.

Un Techo Para Chile - "Magister"

Outside: Earn your Magister in Engineering in two seconds.

Inside: Congratulations! You already know how to build a house.

Citibank Leasing - "Spinning Top"

You bring the idea. Citibank Leasing will make it happen.

Citibank Medical Package: "Pillow"
DMA Echo Awards Winner

You rest while we do the rest.

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